These three questions have been compiled from real quantum computing job interviews. Here are our advices to prepare your answers.
Speak about some original quantum research you have conducted and/or lead
First, explain how and why the work is original, even if you have ‘just’ extended someone else’s research. Underline how you designed and planned the research and how the results have answered your research objective.
What have you learned during your quantum academic career that will benefit you for this job?
You need to tailor your response to this question to the specific quantum job role you are applying for. Don’t forget to mention how you have developed your writing and communication skills besides your specific quantum technology skills. If you know you have got limited knowledge of a specific technology, still mention it but explain that you will need further training. If you are missing a skill which is crucial to your new role emphasize your enthusiasm for learning new skills and your adaptability.
Which quantum science that interests you the most?
Take the opportunity to share about your personality as well as describing your relationship with quantum science. Speak passionately: you probably enjoy problem solving or investigating new quantum field. Describe your inspiration. Think carefully and research an answer that is appropriate to the role for which you are applying.